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Through to in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+17Posted:2017-01-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: throughgo throughget throughthroughoutall throughcome throughput throughcut through
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151. The constable closed his lips in a firm line and made his way through to the yard.
152. They were lucky nobody had got through to that room before, 1 think.
153. The crowd had enjoyed the race - they always appreciate it more when somebody comes through to win as I had done.
154. Then Huddersfield rallied, and the fiery centre-forward Islip forced his way through to beat the tiring Burnley defenders.
155. Read the article once through to get the gist of it.
156. There is, however a logical progression from present finance functions through to further developments.
157. He wanted to feel warmed through to his spine, to have the comfort steal into him like strong ale.
158. After applying, comb through to ensure even distribution and leave for a minimum of three minutes.
159. He came through to play at our school in this long, stretch Franklin car, and we followed him into town.
160. Rising to his feet, he touched the light switch, dispelling the gathering gloom, before striding through to his office.
161. He was also able to get word through to the Minister of War of what was taking place.
162. I went through to Shelley's office for the Bradford phone directory and looked it up.
163. Meridian fell apart on the penalties and Woodmill went through to make their fourth appearance in the final.
164. Miller was among the first to phone through to London and greet our guest's arrival from Moscow.
165. The critical path through the network is the longest sequence of activities from the beginning of the network through to the end.
166. Pondering these matters,[] she went through to the front room to clear up the mess.
167. Get through to Kirov, ask him if he can advance the project.
168. Which left Fabia racking her brains to think of how next best to get through to the woman.
169. Olympic qualifying begins Aug. 1, 1998, and runs through to April 2000.
170. Even if the phone was answered, the client might not get through to the person he wanted.
171. Officers in the field did on occasion have to struggle to get through to an official's home number.
172. A glitch in the customer-service software left customers unable to get through to help lines.
172. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
173. Once on the top floor Dowd was left to entertain himself, and Bloxham led Godolphin through to the chamber.
174. These adjustments carry through to the resource market as expanding industries demand more resources and contracting industries demand fewer.
175. Annabel's call from Scott came through to Saracen just as dinner was announced.
176. At any one moment, thousands of users may be trying to get through to the most popular sites.
177. While I flick through to the centre pages, the businessman puts his hands in his pockets and waits.
178. It stretched from the infancy of radio broadcasting in the early twenties right through to television and the present day.
179. It goes without saying that you start with the bottom step, to prevent the concrete falling through to the one below.
180. The ambulance men were very worried because whatever he had been stabbed with may have gone through to his lung.
More similar words: throughgo throughget throughthroughoutall throughcome throughput throughcut throughfall throughrun throughpull throughpass throughlook throughbreakthroughbreak throughcarry throughfollow throughat the thought ofbroughtdroughtroughboughtought toroughlyborougha thoughtthoroughthoroughlydeep in thoughtlose sight of
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